Autumn Lawn Fertiliser

  • The high iron content will promote good colour and help control moss.
  • All ingredients are fast release and have a longevity of between 4-6 weeks.
  • Can also be applied at any time of the year if required but especially useful between September to February.

This well known NPK with high iron formulation which is used widely within the professional landscape/lawn care market supplies all the nutrients that is required within the Autumn months to maintain plant count and increase over wintering ability.

Product Details

  • Autumn granular fertiliser 6-5-10 6% Fe - 20 kg bag
  • 35 gms per sq m (350 gms per hectare).
In stock
Weight Area Coverage Price
25kg Bag 25 to 35gms per sq mt €34.00
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Autumn Lawn Fertiliser
